inherit inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically inherited. ある種の病気は遺伝する. 【+前置詞】 He inherited a large fortune from his father. 父親から大きな財産を相続した She inherited her
throne throne n. 王座; 王位, 帝位. 【動詞+】 abdicate the throne 退位する ascend the throne 王位につく, 即位する He captured the throne from his enemies. 敵から王位を奪った He returned in triumph to claim his th
and hartley here was set to inherit the throne . そしてハートリーが受け継いだ
hartley was set to inherit the throne . そしてハートリーが受け継いだ
yoshifusa desired that the imperial prince michiyasu (emperor montoku ) would inherit the throne . 良房は道康親王の皇位継承を望んだ。
his grandfather founded the company , his father expanded it , and hartley here was set to inherit the throne . 祖父が設立し 父親が拡大した そしてハートリーが受け継いだ
after emperor jomei , because they could not decide on which prince should inherit the throne , she was enthroned as empress kogyoku . 舒明天皇の後、継嗣となる皇子が定まらなかったので、皇極天皇として即位した。
although the opinions are different from one another in details , it is generally considered that oe was the title for the imperial prince who were most probably inherit the throne among a lot of the imperial princes . 細かな点で異なる諸説があるが、多数の皇子の中で王位を継承する可能性が高い者が持つ称号とみなされている。
a prince from each of the four imperial houses of princes (also called miyake ) comprised of fushimi no miya , arisugawa no miya , katsura no miya (no relation to the current katsura no miya ) and kanin no miya was adopted by the emperor and conferred the title of imperial prince in order to inherit the throne . 伏見宮、有栖川宮、桂宮(現在の桂宮家とは無関係)、閑院宮の四宮家は世襲親王家として代々各宮家の王 (皇族)が天皇の猶子(養子の一種)となり、親王宣下を受け世襲した。
as there had existed no precedent for someone who had been given a family name (a practice which had the effect of stripping a son of an emperor of his title as prince , and removing him from the line of candidates eligible to inherit the throne ) to become emperor , emperor koko reinstated sadami as prince from his deathbed , and passed away on that same day . 臣籍降下した者が即位した先例がないため、臨終の天皇は定省を親王に復し、東宮となした日に崩じた。
there had been an agreement between cloistered emperor gomizunoo , then taking the virtual reins of the court , and the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a nominally emperor-appointed shogun ) that , if emperor reigen died before fusako takatsukasa delivered a son , the emperor ' s oldest son ichinomiya born to a daughter (an unidentified chunagon naishi (a maid of honor to the vice-councilor of state )) of saneoki ogura would inherit the throne , and this agreement had won consent of the emperor and influential noble families including sekkanke (families qualified for appointment as prince regent or chief advisor to the emperor ). そこで当時院政を敷いていた後水尾法皇と江戸幕府との間で密かに万が一鷹司房子に男子が生まれないままに天皇が崩御された場合の時には小倉実起の娘(中納言典侍・実名不詳)が生んだ第1皇子である一宮が継承するという合意が出来ており、天皇や摂関家などの有力公家の合意を取り付けていた。