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inherit the throne 意味

"inherit the throne"の例文


  • 王位{おうい}を継ぐ
  • inherit     inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically
  • throne     throne n. 王座; 王位, 帝位. 【動詞+】 abdicate the throne 退位する ascend the
  • the throne     the throne 王位 おうい 帝位 ていい
  • inherit     inherit v. 受け継ぐ, 相続する, 伝承する. 【副詞1】 Certain diseases are genetically inherited. ある種の病気は遺伝する. 【+前置詞】 He inherited a large fortune from his father. 父親から大きな財産を相続した She inherited her
  • to inherit    to inherit 受け継ぐ うけつぐ 譲り受ける ゆずりうける
  • a throne    a throne 御座所 ご座所 ござしょ
  • on the throne    《be ~》王位{おうい}に就いている、在位{ざいい}する
  • the throne    the throne 王位 おうい 帝位 ていい
  • throne     throne n. 王座; 王位, 帝位. 【動詞+】 abdicate the throne 退位する ascend the throne 王位につく, 即位する He captured the throne from his enemies. 敵から王位を奪った He returned in triumph to claim his th
  • inherit a country    国を引き継ぐ
  • inherit a defect    障害{しょうがい}を受け継ぐ
  • inherit a fortune    財産{ざいさん}を相続{そうぞく}する、財産{ざいさん}を受け継ぐ
  • inherit a legacy    遺産{いさん}を相続{そうぞく}する
  • inherit a mutation    変異形質{へんい けいしつ}を受け継ぐ
  • inherit a predisposition to    ~の傾向{けいこう}を受け継ぐ[継承{けいしょう}する]


  • and hartley here was set to inherit the throne .
  • hartley was set to inherit the throne .
  • yoshifusa desired that the imperial prince michiyasu (emperor montoku ) would inherit the throne .
  • his grandfather founded the company , his father expanded it , and hartley here was set to inherit the throne .
    祖父が設立し 父親が拡大した そしてハートリーが受け継いだ
  • after emperor jomei , because they could not decide on which prince should inherit the throne , she was enthroned as empress kogyoku .
  • although the opinions are different from one another in details , it is generally considered that oe was the title for the imperial prince who were most probably inherit the throne among a lot of the imperial princes .
  • a prince from each of the four imperial houses of princes (also called miyake ) comprised of fushimi no miya , arisugawa no miya , katsura no miya (no relation to the current katsura no miya ) and kanin no miya was adopted by the emperor and conferred the title of imperial prince in order to inherit the throne .
    伏見宮、有栖川宮、桂宮(現在の桂宮家とは無関係)、閑院宮の四宮家は世襲親王家として代々各宮家の王 (皇族)が天皇の猶子(養子の一種)となり、親王宣下を受け世襲した。
  • as there had existed no precedent for someone who had been given a family name (a practice which had the effect of stripping a son of an emperor of his title as prince , and removing him from the line of candidates eligible to inherit the throne ) to become emperor , emperor koko reinstated sadami as prince from his deathbed , and passed away on that same day .
  • there had been an agreement between cloistered emperor gomizunoo , then taking the virtual reins of the court , and the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a nominally emperor-appointed shogun ) that , if emperor reigen died before fusako takatsukasa delivered a son , the emperor ' s oldest son ichinomiya born to a daughter (an unidentified chunagon naishi (a maid of honor to the vice-councilor of state )) of saneoki ogura would inherit the throne , and this agreement had won consent of the emperor and influential noble families including sekkanke (families qualified for appointment as prince regent or chief advisor to the emperor ).
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